Workflow Automation
Automate tasks and priorities to get ahead of problems.
Reach out to customers before they reach out to you.
Customer Engagement
Integrations with email delivery systems and/or customer engagement solutions like ReAmaze make it easy for your team to create content that is deeply linked to your orders.
You can create email templates for any workflow (quotes, issues, customer updates, supplier emails, etc), define a set of dynamic variables, to make it easy to create and send emails with useful information.

Issue Management
PDN has a full issue management system with the ability to create and customize your rules and workflow automations. Create and track issues, log phone calls, and automatically generate reminders and actions for your staff for any step in your sales process.

Priorities and Alerts
Create rules to define what your top priorities are so your team can stay on top of the most important tasks that need to be done next. Issue management has it's own set of workflows to track snoozed tasks and alerts, escalating issues that need to be passed on to a manager, with the ability to send emails to customers and/or updates to the customer portal.

Customer Portal
PDN can be used with or without a customer portal extension. This allows you to sync customer information like quotes, invoices, and issues so you can send emails to customers with links to automatically access and manage their quotes and invoices and engage your team through the portal.

Get In Touch
We scale businesses that manufacture and sell home renovation solutions. Contact us if you want to know more about our products and how we can help scale your business.